The most convenient way to define snippets for YASnippet is to put them in a directory arranged by the mode and use yas/load-directory to load them.

However, this might slow down the Emacs startup speed if you have many snippets. You can use yas/define-snippets to define a bunch of snippets for a perticular mode. But this is hard to maintain! So, there's a better way: define your snippets in directory and use yas/compile-bundle to compile it into a bundle file when you modified your snippets.

The release bundle of YASnippet is produced by yas/compile-bundle. The bundle use yas/define-snippets to define snippets. This avoid the IO and parsing overhead when loading snippets.

Finally, you can use yas/define to define a single snippet at your convenience. I ofthen use this to do some testing.

Define snippets in files

Directory hierarchy

Here's the directory hierarchy of the snippets directory comes with YASnippet:

`-- text-mode/
    |-- cc-mode/
    |   |-- c++-mode/
    |   |   |-- beginend
    |   |   |-- class
    |   |   `-- using
    |   |-- c-mode/
    |   |   `-- fopen
    |   |-- do
    |   |-- for
    |   |-- if
    |   |-- inc
    |   |-- inc.1
    |   |-- main
    |   |-- once
    |   `-- struct
    |-- css-mode/
    |   |-- background
    |   |-- background.1
    |   `-- border
    |-- email
    |-- html-mode/
    |   |-- div
    |   |-- doctype
    |   |-- doctype.xhml1
    |   |-- doctype.xhtml1_1
    |   |-- doctype.xhtml1_strict
    |   `-- doctype.xhtml1_transitional
    |-- objc-mode/
    |   `-- prop
    |-- perl-mode/
    |   |-- cperl-mode/
    |   |-- eval
    |   |-- for
    |   |-- fore
    |   |-- if
    |   |-- ife
    |   |-- ifee
    |   |-- sub
    |   |-- unless
    |   |-- while
    |   |-- xfore
    |   |-- xif
    |   |-- xunless
    |   `-- xwhile
    |-- python-mode/
    |   |-- __
    |   |-- class
    |   |-- def
    |   |-- for
    |   |-- ifmain
    |   `-- while
    |-- rst-mode/
    |   |-- chapter
    |   |-- section
    |   `-- title
    |-- ruby-mode/
    |   |-- #
    |   |-- =b
    |   |-- Comp
    |   |-- all
    |   |-- am
    |   |-- any
    |   |-- app
    |   |-- bm
    |   |-- case
    |   |-- cla
    |   |-- classify
    |   |-- cls
    |   |-- collect
    |   |-- dee
    |   |-- deli
    |   |-- det
    |   |-- ea
    |   |-- eac
    |   |-- eai
    |   |-- eav
    |   |-- eawi
    |   |-- forin
    |   |-- if
    |   |-- ife
    |   |-- inject
    |   |-- mm
    |   |-- r
    |   |-- rb
    |   |-- reject
    |   |-- req
    |   |-- rreq
    |   |-- rw
    |   |-- select
    |   |-- w
    |   |-- y
    |   `-- zip
    `-- time

Snippet definitions are put in plain text files. They are arranged by subdirectories. For example, snippets for c-mode are put in the c-mode directory.

The parent directory acts as the parent mode. This is the way of YASnippet to share snippet definitions among different modes. As you can see above, c-mode and c++-mode share the same parents cc-mode, while all modes are derived from text-mode. This can be also used to as an alias -- cperl-mode is an empty directory whose parent is perl-mode.

File names act as the snippet trigger key. Note files starting with a dot (.) are ignored.

File content

A file defining a snippet may just contain the template for the snippet. Optionally it can also contains some meta data for the snippet as well as comments.

Generally speaking, if the file contains a line of # --, then all contents above that line are considered as meta data and comments; below are template. Or else the whole file content is considered as the template.

Here's a typical example:

#contributor : pluskid <>
#name : __...__
# --

Meta data are specified in the syntax of

#data-name : data value

Any other text above # -- is considered as comment and ignored. Here's a list of currently supported meta data:

  • name: The name of the snippet. This is a one-line description of the snippet. It will be displayed in the menu. So it's a good idea to select a descriptive name fo a snippet -- especially distinguishable among similar snippets.
  • contributor: The contributor of the snippet.
  • condition: The condition of the snippet. This is a piece of elisp code. If a snippet has a condition, then it will only be expanded when the condition code evaluate to some non-nil value.

Define snippets using elisp code

As I mentioned above, you can define snippets directly by writing elisp code.


The basic syntax of yas/define-snippets is

(yas/define-snippets MODE SNIPPETS &optional PARENT)

The parameters are self-descriptive. If you specify a PARENT, then the snippets of the parents may be shared by MODE. Note if you use this function several times, the later specified PARENT will overwrite the original one. However, not specifying a PARENT won't erase the original parent.

The SNIPPETS parameter is a list of snippet definitions. Each element should have the following form:


The NAME and CONDITION can be omitted if you don't want to provide one. Here's an example:

(yas/define-snippets 'c++-mode
  ("using" "using namespace ${std};
$0" "using namespace ... " nil)
  ("class" "class ${1:Name}
    virtual ~$1();
};" "class ... { ... }" nil)
  ("beginend" "${1:v}.begin(), $1.end" "v.begin(), v.end()" nil)

The example above is auto-generated code by yas/compile-bundle.


yas/compile-bundle can be used to parse the snippets from a directory hierarchy and translate them into the elisp form. The translated code is faster to load. Further more, the generated bundle is a stand-alone file not depending on yasnippet.el. The released bundles of YASnippet are all generated this way.

The basic syntax of yas/compile-bundle is

(yas/compile-bundle &optional yasnippet yasnippet-bundle snippet-roots code)

As you can see, all the parameters are optional. The default values for those parameters are convenient for me to produce the default release bundle:

(yas/compile-bundle "yasnippet.el"

The snippet-roots can be a list of root directories. This is useful when you have multiple snippet directories (maybe from other users). The code parameter can be used to specify your own customization code instead of the default (yas/initialize). For example, you can set yas/trigger-key to (kbd "SPC") here if you like.


The basic syntax for yas/define is

(yas/define mode key template &optional name condition)

This is only a syntax sugar for

(yas/define-snippets mode
                     (list (list key template name condition)))

The strategy to select a snippet

When user press the yas/trigger-key, YASnippet try to find a proper snippet to expand. The strategy to find such a snippet is explained here.

Finding the key

YASnippet search from current point backward trying to find the snippet to be expanded. The default searching strategy is quite powerful. For example, in c-mode, "bar", "foo_bar", "#foo_bar" can all be recognized as a template key. Further more, the searching is in that order. In other words, if "bar" is found to be a key to some valid snippet, then "foo_bar" and "#foobar" won't be searched.

However, this strategy can also be customized easily from the yas/key-syntaxes variable. It is a list of syntax rules, the default value is ("w" "w_" "w_." "^ "). Which means search the following thing until found one:

  • a word.
  • a symbol. In lisp, - and ? can all be part of a symbol.
  • a sequence of characters of either word, symbol or punctuation.
  • a sequence of characters of non-whitespace characters.

But you'd better keep the default value unless you understand what Emacs's syntax rule mean.

The condition system

I write forked snippet.el to make the smart-snippet.el. I call it smart-snippet because a condition can be attached to a snippet. This is really a good idea. However, writing condition for a snippet usually needs good elisp and Emacs knowledge, so it is strange to many user.

Later I write YASnippet and persuade people to use it instead of smart-snippet.el. However, some user still love smart-snippet because it is smart. So I make YASnippet smart. Even smarter than smart-snippet.el. :p

Consider this scenario: you are an old Emacs hacker. You like the abbrev-way and set yas/trigger-key to (kbd "SPC"). However, you don't want if to be expanded as a snippet when you are typing in a comment block or a string (e.g. in python-mode).

It's OK, just specify the condition for if to be (not (python-in-string/comment)). But how about while, for, etc. ? Writing the same condition for all the snippets is just boring. So YASnippet introduce a buffer local variable yas/buffer-local-condition. You can set this variable to (not (python-in-string/comment)) in python-mode-hook. There's no way to do this in smart-snippet.el!

Then, what if you really want some snippet even in comment? This is also possible! But let's stop telling the story and look at the rules:

  • If yas/buffer-local-condition evaluate to nil, snippet won't be expanded.
  • If it evaluate to the a cons cell where the car is the symbol require-snippet-condition and the cdr is a symbol (let's call it requirement):
    • If the snippet has no condition, then it won't be expanded.
    • If the snippet has a condition but evaluate to nil or error occured during evaluation, it won't be expanded.
    • If the snippet has a condition that evaluate to non-nil (let's call it result):
      • If requirement is t, the snippet is ready to be expanded.
      • If requirement is eq to result, the snippet is ready to be expanded.
      • Otherwise the snippet won't be expanded.
  • If it evaluate to other non-nil value:
    • If the snippet has no condition, or has a condition that evaluate to non-nil, it is ready to be expanded.
    • Otherwise, it won't be expanded.

So set yas/buffer-local-condition like this

(add-hook 'python-mode-hook
          '(lambda ()
             (setq yas/buffer-local-condition
                   '(if (python-in-string/comment)
                        '(require-snippet-condition . force-in-comment)

And specify the condition for a snippet that you're going to expand in comment to be evaluated to the symbol force-in-comment. Then it can be expanded as you expected, while other snippets like if still can't expanded in comment.

Multiple snippet with the same key

There can be multiple snippet bind to the same key. If you define a snippet with a key that is already used, you'll overwrite the original snippet definition. However, you can add a different postfix to the key.

In general, the extension (consider a file name) is ignored when defining a snippet. So def, def.1 and def.mine will all be valid candidates when the key is def.

When there are multiple candidates, YASnippet will let you select one. The UI for selecting multiple candidate can be customized. There're two variable related:

  • yas/window-system-popup-function: the function used when you have a window system.
  • yas/text-popup-function: the function used when you don't have a window system, i.e. when you are working in a terminal.
Currently there're three solution come with YASnippet.

Just select the first one

This one is originally used in terminal mode. It doesn't let you to choose anything, it just select the first one on behalf of you. So I bet you never want to use this. :p

Use a dropdown-menu.el


Originally, only the above two function is available in YASnippet. They are difficult to use -- especially in a terminal. Until later Jaeyoun Chung show me his dropdown-menu.el, I say wow! It's wonderful!

  • It works in both window system and terminal.
  • It is customizable, you can use C-n, C-p to navigate, q to quite and even press 6 as a shortcut to select the 6th candidate.

So I added yas/dropdown-list-popup-for-template to support dropdown-list.el. And upload dropdown-list.el to YASnippet hompage for an optional download (since Jaeyoun didn't provide a URL).

Then finally, in 0.4.0, I included a copy of the content of dropdown-list.el [1] in yasnippet.el and made it the default way for selecting multiple candidates.

However, the original functions are still there, you can still use this

(setq yas/window-system-popup-function

if you prefer a modern UI. :)

The Trigger Key

YASnippet is implemented as a minor-mode (yas/minor-mode). The trigger key yas/trigger-key is defined in yas/minor-mode-map to call yas/expand to try to expand a snippet.

The Minor Mode


When yas/minor-mode is enabled, the trigger key will take effect. The default key is (kbd "TAB"), however, you can freely set it to some other key. By default, YASnippet add a hook to after-change-major-mode-hook to enable yas/minor-mode [2] in every buffer. This works fine for most modes, however, some mode doesn't follow the Emacs convention and doens't call this hook. You can either explicitly hook for those mode or just add it to yas/extra-mode-hooks to let YASnippet do it for you:

(require 'yasnippet)
(add-to-list 'yas/extra-mode-hooks

Note that should be put after (require 'yasnippet) and before (yas/initialize). Further more, you may report it to me, I'll add that to the default value.

The Fallback

If yas/expand failed to find any suitable snippet to expand, it will disable the minor mode temporarily and find if there's any other command bind the yas/trigger-key. If found, the command will be called. Usually this works very well -- when there's a snippet, expand it, otherwise, call whatever command originally bind to the trigger key.

However, you can change this behavior by customizing the yas/fallback-behavior variable. If you set this variable to 'return-nil, it will return nil instead of trying to call the original command when no snippet is found. This is useful when you would like YASnippet to work with other extensions, e.g. hippie-expand. I'm also glad to tell you that integration with hippie-expand is already included in YASnippet.

Integration with hippie-expand

To integrate with hippie-expand, just put yas/hippie-try-expand in hippie-expand-try-functions-list. Personally I would like to put in front of the list, but it can be put anywhere you prefer.

Other way to select a snippet

When you use the trigger key (so yas/expand) to expand a snippet, the key for the snippet is deleted before the template for the snippet is inserted.

However, there're other ways to insert a snippet.

The Menu

YASnippet will setup a menu just after the Buffers Menu in the menubar. The snippets for all real modes are listed there under the menu. You can select a snippet from the menu to expand it. Since you select manually from the menu, you can expand any snippet. For example, you can expand a snippet defined for python-mode in a c-mode buffer by selecting it from the menu:

  • Condition system is ignored since you select to expand it explicitly.
  • There will be no muliple candidates since they are listed in the menu as different items.

This can be convenient sometimes. However, if you don't like the menubar of Emacs and never use it. You can tell YASnippet don't boring to build a menu by setting yas/use-menu to nil.

Another thing to note is that only real modes are listed under the menu. As you know, common snippets can be shared by making up a virtual parent mode. It's too bad if the menu is floored by those virtual modes. So YASnippet only show menus for those real modes. But the snippets fo the virtual modes can still be accessed through the parent submenu of some real mode.

YASnippet use a simple way to check whether a mode is real or virtual: (fboundp mode). For example, the symbol c-mode is bound to a function while cc-mode is not. But this is not enough, some modes aren't part of Emacs, and maybe when initializing YASnippet, those modes haven't been initialized. So YASnippet also maintain a list of known modes (yas/known-modes). You can add item to that list if you need.

Expanding From Elisp Code

Sometimes you might want to expand a snippet directly by calling a functin from elisp code. You should call yas/expand-snippet instead of yas/expand in this case.

As with expanding from the menubar, condition system and multiple candidates won't exists here. In fact, expanding from menubar has the same effect of evaluating the follow code:

(yas/expand-snippet (point) (point) template)

Where template is the template of a snippet. It is never required to belong to any snippet -- you can even make up it on the fly. The 1st and 2nd parameter defines the region to be deleted after YASnippet inserted the template. It is used by yas/expand to indicate the region of the key. There's usually no need to delete any region when we are expanding a snippet from elisp code, so passing two (point) is fine. Note only (point) will be fine because the 1st parameter also indicate where to insert and expand the template.

The Syntax of the Template

The syntax of the snippet template is simple but powerful, very similar to TextMate's.

Plain Text

Arbitrary text can be included as the content of a template. They are usually interpreted as plain text, except $ and `. You need to use \ to escape them: \$ and \`. The \ itself may also needed to be escaped as \\ sometimes.

Embedded elisp code

Elisp code can be embedded inside the template. They are written inside back-quotes (`):

They are evaluated when the snippet is being expanded. The evaluation is done in the same buffer as the snippet being expanded. Here's an example for c-mode to calculate the header file guard dynamically:

#ifndef ${1:_`(upcase (file-name-nondirectory (file-name-sans-extension (buffer-file-name))))`_H_}
#define $1


#endif /* $1 */

Tab Stops

Tab stops are fields that you can navigate back and forth by TAB and S-TAB [3]. They are written by $ followed with a number. $0 has the special meaning of the exit point of a snippet. That is the last place to go when you've traveled all the fields. Here's a typical example:



Tab stops can have default values -- a.k.a placeholders. The syntax is like this:

${N:default value}

They acts as the default value for a tab stop. But when you firstly type at a tab stop, the default value will be replaced by your typing. The number can be omitted if you don't want to create mirrors or transformations for this field.


We refer the tab stops with placeholders as a field. A field can have mirrors. Its mirrors will get updated when you change the text of a field. Here's an example:


When you type "document" at ${1:enumerate}, the word "document" will also be inserted at \end{$1}. The best explanation is to see the screencast(YouTube or avi video).

The tab stops with the same number to the field act as its mirrors. If none of the tab stops has an initial value, the first one is selected as the field and others mirrors.


If the default value of a field starts with $, then it is interpreted as the transformation code instead of default value. A transformation is some arbitrary elisp code that will get evaluated in an environment when the variable text is bind to the inputted text of the field. Here's an example for Objective-C:

- (${1:id})${2:foo}
    return $2;

- (void)set${2:$(capitalize text)}:($1)aValue
    [$2 autorelease];
    $2 = [aValue retain];

Look at ${2:$(capitalize text)}, it is a transformation instead of a placeholder. The actual placeholder is at the first line: ${2:foo}. When you type text in ${2:foo}, the transformation will be evaluated and the result will be placed there as the transformated text. So in this example, if you type baz in the field, the transformed text will be Baz. This example is also available in the screencast.

Another example is for rst-mode. In reStructuredText, the document title can be some text surrounded by "===" below and above. The "===" should be at least as long as the text. So


is a valid title but


is not. Here's an snippet for rst title:

${1:$(make-string (string-width text) ?\=)}
${1:$(make-string (string-width text) ?\=)}

[1]With some minor change, mainly for fixing some trivial bugs.
[2]This is done when you call yas/initialize.
[3]Of course, this can be customized.


Many people miss the indenting feature of smart-snippet: when you place a $> in your snippet, an (indent-according-to-mode) will be executed there to indent the line. So you'll not need to hard-code the indenting in the snippet template, and it will be very convenient when you need to work with several different project where coding styles are different.

The reason why this feature wasn't added to YASnippet until after 0.5.6 is that it doesn't work well for all modes. In some cases (e.g. python-mode), calling indent-according-to-mode will break the overlays created by YASnippet.

However, since many people asked for this feature, I finally added this to YASnippet. Here's an example of the usage:

for (${int i = 0}; ${i < 10}; ${++i})